
Payment Methods


Credit Card

We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, and JCB. Note, cards issued by local banks which do not carry one of these logos will not be accepted by our global processing service, in which case we recommend PayPal as an alternative.


Use any payment method on the growing list of ways to fund a PayPal account in your country. Once you have funded your PayPal account, you can use our single-click PayPal express feature to speed through checkout.

Store Credit and Gift Certificates

Of course, you can also use store credit or a gift certificate / gift code. Each gift certificate carries a gift code you can easily enter when completing checkout. They NEVER expire and may be combined with promotions and rebates.


Order Verification

Orders may be subject to payment verification. For the protection of our customers, we want to ensure that every order that we ship out was authorized by the cardholder. If your order is placed on hold, we will reach out to you right away to ensure that the delays are minimal.



While you can choose your local currency with the currency selector at the bottom of the WEARHAUSE website, all items are priced and charged in US dollars at checkout. We recommend contacting your bank to find out their current currency exchange rate and their currency policy.